Hope For Her Heart

Coming soon

The vision

The vision of Hope For Her Heart is to give women encouragement and an eternal perspective to live confidently for Jesus in faith, hope and love, right where they are.

The purpose

  • A ministry to encourage and challenge women to stay anchored to Jesus through all of life.
  • Provide truth-filled, discipleship-driven, gospel-centred resources to point to the hope God gives to His daughters.
  • To help build women up to live and speak for Jesus in this generation.
  • Address pressing concerns of the heart with the hope, love and truth of Jesus.
  • Support younger and older generations, and champion intergenerational ministry, showing how we need one another in community and the body of Christ.

The hope

  1. For God to be glorified by generations of women that love Him above all.
  2. Encouraging women to learn biblical truth that will anchor them in their trials. God’s promises and His Word last forever. He is faithful.
  3. To find nourishment for the heart, soul, and mind. There is a deep spiritual hunger and thirst all around the world that only Jesus will fully satisfy.

The reality

Eternal souls matters. Truth is needed over error. Obedience to God instead of fearing what others think of us is counter-cultural and needed in this generation. Living for Jesus and sharing His love and truth is important now more than ever. Let’s store up treasure in heaven and live in the light of eternity. Jesus is coming soon. Glory to God!

And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.

Romans 13:11